Monday - Friday
8:30 am to 6:30 pm
Saturday - Sunday
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Call us today +61 0408 422 927
Only $15 to download a 30 page comprehensive information package.
About this course –
My clients often tell me that the information & exercises I give them during their massage have been incredibly helpful in their journey to recovery. Often times, they say it is the first they have heard of what I was suggesting, even though they have been to many therapists and tried different modalities including Physiotherapy, Chiropractic & even surgery. Here I have endeavoured to put together, in the one place, what I know that works for neck health.
Yet I will endeavour to keep it simple, generic and obtainable regardless of the what type of injury you may have. My first consideration is ‘to do no harm’.
Who would benefit –
The exercises & suggestions will be considered safe & effective for most neck complaints from mild tension to post surgery recovery, but please consult with your Healthcare Provider before starting any new exercise routine if you have any queries or concerns. Here is a list of the type of clients who have benefited from one or more of these suggestions; Computer/Keyboard office based workers Breast feeding mothers Mechanical Fitters leaning over work benches Truck/delivery and commute drivers Elderly who have postural and bone density decline Migraine/headache sufferers Mobile phone users! Neck strain from Gym, Weightlifting or sport activities Post cervical surgery patients that have not experienced the full recover they were hoping for Neck/shoulder tension due to stress Sufferers of TMJ or chronic jaw pain “just woke up like this not able to move my neck!”